We understand that choosing the right online course and resources is important and want our customers to feel confident about their investment in their education. In the interest of transparency and customer satisfaction, we have designed our refund policy to be simple and fair.

Individual Course Refund Policy

If you have purchased an individual course, you may be eligible for a refund under the following conditions:

a. Refund Request Window: You can request a refund within 3 days of your initial course purchase and you have not commenced training in the program. Refund requests submitted after this window will not be eligible for a refund.

Resources Refund Policy

a. We are providing you with an open license to utilise our resources as you require. We do not require an acknowledgement either. Once you have downloaded the policy/form/template you will not be entitled to a refund.

Refund Process

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

a. Contact our support team at info@supportworkerscentral.com.au with your refund request. Please include your name, email address, and the details of the course  you wish to refund.

b. Our team will review your request and determine your eligibility for a refund based on the above criteria.

c. If your request is approved, your refund will be processed within 5-7 business days.


We reserve the right to deny refund requests in cases where we believe there is a misuse of our refund policy or if the customer has repeatedly requested refunds on prior purchases. Additionally, we will review your online activity to ensure there has not been a misuse of our site. This could include: completions of more than reasonable number of courses, excessive downloads of our content.

Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please feel free to contact our support team at info@supportworkerscentral.com.au. We are here to help and ensure that you have a satisfying learning experience with us.

Please note that this refund policy is subject to change without notice, and it is the customer’s responsibility to regularly review the policy for updates.